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Fengshui Tips of chinese house
Fengshui Tips
We now list some basic fengshui tips for the home and what we think they really mean after considering ancient fengshui as a form of symbolism to affect our psyche:
A marble table in the house is bad for one's career since it invites work stress.
What the fish? How many marble tables have you seen so far? Do you know how heavy a table made of marble is going to weigh? We think the marble table is not good for the house as it causes additional stress to the building structure.
A red sofa set too is often said to give rise to work obstacles and troubles.
Agree. I believe most people know that red, gold and yellow are auspicious colors favored by the chinese. For important happy festivals and ceremonies such as weddings and groundbreaking, these colors are often used. For example, the traditional costume for a chinese bride is red and gold - red dress, red shoes, red head dress, gold jewellery, gold embroidery on the costumes etc. However, these same colors are not used at other times. These are powerful colors that introduce a lot of positive yang energy and there is no need for so much yang at normal times. Otherwise, the delicate balance between yin and yang will be overwhelmed.
There have been modern studies of how colors affect our mood. We know that red causes aggression (remember the bull?) so we guess a sofa which is used for lazing and lounging around should not be causing such strong emotions.
By the way, the ancient emperors have imperial robes made from golden and yellow silk, and no other person whether they are commoners and officials are allowed to wear clothes of those colors. They are so damn special that they are only reserved for the emperor. It is a capital offense to be in possession of clothes made of golden and yellow silk - they charge you for trying to rebel against the country and become the emperor yourself. So why is the emperor not subjected to the above rules on powerful colors? Well, this is a special case...he is the son of heavens after all, and we are not going to argue with someone who is allowed to have hundreds of young maidens as concubines anyway.
Have sufficient lighting in the rooms because light is an important source of energy. In dim places where natural sun light cannot reach, color the walls with yellow paint to represent sunlight.
Just go buy a table lamp or a hip lava lamp. Do you really want a yellow cellar?
The bed should be placed next to a wall and not pointing towards the door.
I suppose if the bed is inline with the door, it is going to get pretty chilly at night with all the winds passing from the windows towards the door.
Remove mirrors that show reflections of yourself lying in bed.
You may get scared and thought there was another person sleeping in the room when it was just a reflection you just seen. Well, it can happen so make sure the dressing mirror does not face the bed.
The doorway should not be obstructed with shelves, shoes and other items such that positive energy can freely enter the house. is embarrassing to show an untidy doorway to your neighbors or passersby every time you open your door.
The seats should be arranged such that anyone inside the house can see the doorway clearly.
We think this is for security reasons; you will definitely not want people sneaking into the house without you noticing.
Placing mirrors in the room help positive energy reach dark corners in the room and help amplify the amount of light energy.
Blah, it is really difficult to design a room with many mirrors unless its a dance hall. It is also very distracting with all those reflections moving around. Remember suspense movies with mirror room scenes? We would not want to live in such a house.
Healthy plants represent living energy and invokes the healing and nurturing vibrations of nature while dying or withered plants attract negative yin energy.
Well, rotting plants do attract lots of pests so they should be removed as soon as possible. They look untidy and people may think that the inhabitants of the house are unkempt. That is bad for your image.
Do not place home appliances associated with water and fire together as they do will clash badly and this will cause disagreements to arise among the family members.
Does that mean it is bad to boil tap water for safe drinking? And the stove should not be placed in the kitchen where the tap and sink are located?
Do not let children sleep on the floor or else they will fall sick frequently. Let them sleep on proper beds with space between the floor and the mattress such that beneficial positive energy can flow underneath the bed.
The floor can be awfully cold at night and it is really hard and bad for the spine. Even adults are going to get sick by sleeping on the floor. The space between the floor and the mattress is probably for air ventilation and keeps the mattress fresh and cool.
Positive energy flows can be disrupted by clutter and mess in the house. Positive energy should be allowed to flow freely in the house from one room to the other.
We think it is awkward to walk around in the house if it is messy and there are a lot of unwanted stuff lying around. You just feel uneasy if your room resembles a pig sty rather than a living quarter fit for humans.
Keep the bathroom clean and its door should be closed all the time in order to avoid its negative energy to flow into the rest of the house.
We serious believe funky smells to be a form of negative energy so this rule should be strictly complied with. Just in case, make sure everyone in the house flush properly after using the bathroom.
All the doors in the house should be closed and locked during night time as you sleep such that domestic relationships are benign and no health problems will arise.
Ancient Chinese house Fengshui Tips

Chinese Fengshui Compass (Luo-pan)
Ancient cave houses found in China
BEIJING, Jan. 28 (UPI) -- Chinese archaeologists say they've found ancient cave houses that may be the earliest made by man.
A row of 17 cave houses was found on a cliff along along a river northwest China's Shaanxi province, Xinhua news service reported Wednesday. Scientists say the houses were built between 3,500 and 3,000 B.C.
Wang Weilin, deputy director of the Shaanxi Archaeology Institute, said the cave houses appear to belong to a late Neolithic culture called Yangshao. Wang said archaeologists also found pottery kilns, fragments and tools.
The General Introduction of Ancient Chinese Architecture

Ancient Chinese buildings underwent three major design enhancements between the Qin and Han dynasties, the Sui and Tang dynasties, and the Ming and Qing dynasties. During these three periods, several high profile buildings were constructed and improved including palaces, mausoleums, capital cities, defending works and water conservancies. The design and materials of these buildings had a great impact on following generations. The Qinshihuang Emperor Mausoleum and the Great Wall of the Qin dynasty, the Zhaozhouqiao Bridge of the Sui dynasty, as well as the Forbidden City of the Ming and Qing dynasties still display the unique charm of ancient Chinese architecture to date. Over the centuries, however, some ancient Chinese buildings have been lost due to natural disasters and war. Most of the ancient structures that remain today were built during or after the 7th century of the Tang dynasty.
Major Styles of Traditional Chinese Residences
Major Styles of Traditional Chinese Residences
Traditional Chinese residences reflect the national culture, the sub-culture of a specific region and that of the ethnic group within it.
The traditional domestic architecture of China has five major styles. There is the compound with a courtyard (si he yuan) to be seen in northern China, Farmers' Caves (yao dong) in Northern Shaanxi Province and Earthen Buildings (tu lou) in southeast China's Fujian province, Stilt houses that may be on steep inclines or projecting over water (diao jiao lou) in southern China and the Seal-like Compound (yi ke yin) in Yunnan province.
As well as their respective features, traditional residences tend to conform to their environment and to become integrated with it. They are expected to blend with the surrounding rivers and mountains, thus complimenting but never spoiling the natural beauty.
Our ancestors made use of local materials and took the natural factors into consideration whenever they built a house.
The Si he yuan in northern China features a thick roof and walls and a wide courtyard to draw in maximum sunlight while ventilation is a prime feature of the diao jiao lou in the much warmer tropical climate of southern China.
The Si he yuan in Beijing reflects the formal royal ambiance with its symmetrical style while garden-residences such as the famous Garden of the Master of the Nets in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, gives priority to a harmonious blend with nature. Prince Gong's Mansion in Beijing is the world's largest Si he yuan.
Si He Yuan vary substantially in different locations. For details, please refer to: Beijing's Hutong and Courtyard , Qiao's Compound , and Wang's Compound in Pingyao, Shanxi and Dang Village in Hancheng around Xian, Shaanxi Province.
In calligraphy, the Chinese characters with a roof-like component relate to various houses. For example, with a pig, it is a home; with a cow, it is a prison; with a combination of two mouths it means 'many houses' - it is palace. Such characters combined with that for ' woman' imply peace and safety. The logic behind this is based on two layers of meaning. Firstly, when a woman sits peacefully at home, it means there is no war. Secondly, when they lived in simple caves in open air, our ancestors faced the hazards of bad weather, wild animals and hostile tribes. By building houses, they were better protected, thus there was safety.
Chinese folk residence appears in different forms. Around Suzhou in Jiangsu Province, there are many well preserved old towns such as Luzhi Town, Tongli Town and Zhouzhuang. The peaceful atmosphere in these towns attracts numerous visitors to come for relaxation and refreshment. The unique ethnic residences are really eye openers. In Guizhou Province, Langde Miao Ethnic Minority Village is a fascinating place to discover the unique Miao's builing - "Diaojiaolou" (stilt-houses). Visit these beautiful places, you will know more about the colorful Chinese architecture.